
Archived news

2016 Regulation 19 Local Plan

We prepared another updated version of our Local Plan and an updated interactive policies map for consultation in February 2016.

You can view the comments we received by visiting our consultation portal.

2015 Regulation 18 Local Plan

We prepared another updated version of our Local Plan for consultation in October 2015.

You can view the comments we received by visiting our consultation portal.

Call for Sites 2014

Our call for sites 2014 closed on 4 April 2014.

We received over 100 new housing sites across the borough and one Gypsy and Traveller site. Some from the previous call for sites in 2013 were sent through again and they'll make up part of our Strategic Housing Land Availabilty Assessment (SHLAA) 2014.

We're now going through them to see which ones are suitable for development.

We'll be doing this by speaking with our partners including infrastructure providers and requesting more information about the sites where necessary. All sites will be treated equally. However, not all of them will end up in the revised Local Plan.

Below are the sites which were sent to us take a look at our SHLAA 2014 documents:

2014 Regulation 18 Local Plan

We prepared an updated version of our Local Plan and an updated interactive policies map for consultation in March 2014.

You can view the comments we received by visiting our consultation portal.

2013 Interim Approval of Local Plan Policies

Following the consultations in 2011 and 2012 we revised some of the polices in our proposed Local Plan. In March 2013 Cabinet agreed for them, together with new policies, to go to consultation again and they will make up our revised Local Plan.

Cabinet also adopted our strategic housing and employment site allocation policies SS1, SS1a, SS1b, SS1c, SS2, SS2a, SS2b, SS2c and SS4. These are now used by our planning officers when making decisions about applications.

2012 Transport Consultation

In August 2012, we consulted the public on the Draft Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS), which we prepared with Kent County Council. The draft ITS sets the future direction of transport for Maidstone to 2026 and explains how new schemes will be delivered.

You can view the comments we received by visiting our consultation portal.

2012 Consultation

We prepared the Core Strategy Strategic Site Allocations document and the interactive policies map for consultation in August 2012. The document includes three elements of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan:

  • The inclusion of a new policy for the presumption in favour of sustainable development;
  • The allocation of strategic housing and employment sites; and
  • The setting of individual housing targets for the five rural service centres.


We prepared the Draft Core Strategy, its appendices and the interactive proposals map for consultation in 2011. The document did not allocate specific sites but it identified ‘strategic locations’ on the key diagram, which can be found at the back of the document.

Before 2011

Archived versions of the Core Strategy that we have previously consulted on can be found below. These documents help to show how the Core Strategy has evolved:

Core Strategy Preferred Options (2007)
Core Strategy Issues and Options (2006)

The Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (2009) sets the framework and sustainability objectives for the borough. When preparing local plans and some supplementary planning documents, we will assess the impact of these documents in a sustainability appraisal. Each sustainability appraisal is assessed against this scoping report.

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