The Statement of Community Involvement 2020 sets out when and how stakeholders and the local community can get involved in the preparation of local plans, neighbourhood development plans and supplementary planning documents, and be involved in the process of decision making on planning applications.
There was a temporary addendum in relation to Covid 19 Temporary Addendum which can be viewed here. As restrictions have been lifted this addendum has now been revoked.
We're required by government to prepare and maintain Local Development Scheme (LDS) in accordance with Section 15 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011). The LDS sets out the timetable for the delivery of planning policy documents like our Local Plan.
The Local Development Scheme 2025-2027 was approved by Full Council on 19 February 2025 and took effect the same day. It reflects amendments to the timings of the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Development Plan Document and acknowledges the Full Council decision to formally withdraw the emerging Design and Sustainability Development Plan Document.
The Local Development Scheme 2025-2027 supersedes the previous Local Development Scheme 2024-2026 that was approved by Full Council on 25th September 2024 and took effect the same day.
The council is required to report on the progress of the adopted Local Plan and to what extent Local Plan Policies are being achieved.
The 2024 Housing Delivery Report and land supply position as of 1 April 2024 are below.
The council produces its Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) each year. The document reports on the progress of the local plan and whether the targets in Maidstone’s local planning policies are being achieved.
An Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) accompanies the adopted Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review 2021-2038. The IDP identifies the infrastructure schemes considered necessary to support the development in the adopted Maidstone Local Plan Review 2021-2038 and outlines how and when these will be delivered. The IDP is a “living document”, subject to regular review. The examination IDP accompanying the adoption of the Maidstone Local Plan Review 2021-2038 can be found here, listed below are the latest reviews:
The Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 requires us to keep a register of individuals or associations seeking serviced plots of land in the borough to build their own homes.
We keep an up-to-date register to determine the demand for plots for self-build and custom build housing projects. We are not required to publish our register. Details on the demand for self-build and custom housebuilding will be published in our Authority Monitoring Report.
Every person that applies to join the register must be:
You can complete the registration form below.
Registration is commitment free however, land availability is not guaranteed. Applications from groups or associations are accepted. All group members must meet the eligibility requirements to enter the register. Associations must provide a lead contact who will act on behalf of the members.
Paper copies of the registration form are available on request. Please contact us using the details below if you require this.
For individual entries, we must record their:
For associations, we must record the:
The personal information you provided on your application form will be used on the self build register. Further details can be found in our privacy notice here.
If you need to tell us about a change of address, change of contact details or if you would like to be removed from the register, please complete this form.
If you require any other information to be updated on your application, you will need to submit a new application.
If you have any questions about our register, you can contact or call 01622 602000.