
Further Guidance

National Policies

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was introduced in March 2012 and replaces all former government guidance. The NPPF provides guidance to local authorities and other agencies on planning policy and the operation of the planning system.

The National Planning Practice Guidance was released in draft by Government in August 2013 to support the NPPF and to make it more accessible. The draft guidance was formally adopted in March 2014.

Local Guidance

We've also adopted supplementary planning documents (SPD) and endorsed supplementary guidance documents (SG). They provide additional guidance on local and national planning policies:

Affordable and Local Needs Housing Supplementary Planning Document

Maidstone Borough Council has recently adopted its local plan (October 2017) and this included a commitment to produce an Affordable and Local Needs Housing Supplementary Planning Document. The Affordable and Local Needs Housing Supplementary Planning Document provides further advice on how relevant housing policies in the adopted local plan are to be implemented.

We asked for your views on the matters covered within the document. The consultation opened on the 7th October 2019 and closed at 5pm on 18th November 2019.

Transport Strategies

Our Integrated Transport Strategy gives us a framework for making decisions on transport issues around the borough. Specifically on addressing problems with our existing transport network and it's long term development.

Our Walking & Cycling Strategy brings together a number of actions and policies promoting walking and cycling in the borough, including building new infrastructure to support it.

Both strategies were adopted on 13 September 2016.

Additional Studies and Guidance

We'll continue to prepare additional studies which are a material consideration in the planning process.

They'll help to support future reviews of our local plan, other policy documents and may also be used when making decisions on planning applications.

London Road walking and cycling assessment (2019)

Maidstone walking and cycling assessment (2018)

Building for Life 12 (2018)

Delivering Growth (2017)

Community Facilities in North Ward Feasibility Study (2017)

Community Facilities in Otham Report (2022)

Guide for Opportunity sites

Development Management Housing Intensification Advice Note (2023)

Shop Front Design Guidance (2023) Effective from: 26/04/2023 Decided: 18/04/2023 by Lead Member for Planning and Infrastructure

Used from 1 January 2018

Air Quality Guidance (2017)

Public Art Guidance (2017)

Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy: Action Plan (2017)

Maidstone Tri Study (2017)

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