
Boughton Monchelsea Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Consultation August 2020

*UPDATE: This consultation has now closed.

Boughton Monchelsea Parish Council has prepared a Neighbourhood Development Plan that sets out a sustainable vision for the neighbourhood area and a series of policies that the community is proposing to be used in the determination of planning applications.

Your opportunity to make comments on the Neighbourhood Plan (see supporting documents below) has now closed. The consultation was open between 14th August 2020 and close at 5pm on 28th September 2020.

Representations will be considered alongside the Neighbourhood Development Plan by an independent Examiner. In total there are 8 supporting documents. These can be found below:

An addendum  to the Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Report has been published which can be viewed here

Representations received

Boughton Monchelsea Amenity Trust

Harris A

Highways England

Historic England - a

Historic England - b

Historic England - c

Kent County Council

Knowler H

Maidstone Borough Council

Natural England

North Loose Residents' Association

Redfearn D

Redfearn M


Southern Water

Staplehurst Parish Council

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